
Mintues from branch meeting 28th May 2015 agreed at branch meeting 25th Nov 15

No Apologies 7 people in attendance. Andrew Curtis Chaired Meeting
Reps Elections:
All the existing Capita reps (Mike Dyer, Stewart Wakelam-Munro, Andrew Curtis, Anton White, Lynsey Quinn, Gwen D Ferguson, Gerry Cosker) stood for re-election and no one objected so all the reps where re-elected. No one new stood for election.
No one from RL was present so no reps elected or re-elected - Branch sec to contact Michael about this
Santander-no one attended
Cleaners- recruiting going on need to approach someone to become a rep if possible.
Branch officers:
Gerry is elected chair, Andrew Curtis and Branch Sec, Lynsey Quinn is Women’s officer, Mike is treasurer and Gwen D Ferguson Assistant secretary- all positions start after meeting.
We re-affiliated to labour researched dept and Union solidarity international.
Treasurer’s report
Branch will start to get money in again. We sent money to ninewells porters and the personal safety alarms was a big spend in the past year. We have money in the branch funds to spare.
Branch prize draw continues to happen and is popular amongst members.
Paul Ryan, Mike Dyer and Stewart Wakelman-Munro re-elected as attendees from branch to local CLP
Capita Reps.
Mike Dyer and Andrew Curtis elected joint senior reps for Capita Capita NCC. Andrew Curtis, Mike Dyer and Gwen D Ferguson Elected to attend but Andrew to stand down in Sept once new NCC reformed after guidance from NISC.
Andrew Curtis reported still trying to get stall with Advance in shared area despite reluctance from facilities.
Date of next meeting TBC.
Meeting Closed

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